How to use

Once the pyCompressor package is installed, runnig a compression is very easy. It just takes an input run card in which all the input parameters are defined. The run card is subdivided into two distincts part: the compression and the GANs parameters.

pycompressor runcards/runcard.yml [--threads NUMB_THREADS]

The compression per-say requires the following keys:

  • pdf - str : name of the inpit/prior PDF set

  • compressed - int : size of the compressed replicas

  • minimizer - str : name of the minimizer (genetic or cma)

  • est_dic - dict : dictionary of estimators

  • gans - dict : dictionary containing input parameters for GANs

One of the keys for the gan entry is a runcard which gets passed to the ganpdfs code. For details on how to set the parameters for the GAN, have a look here.

An example of an input card is shown below:

# PDF Set                                         #
  pdf: NNPDF40_nnlo_as_0118_1000
  existing_enhanced: False

# Size of compressed PDF replicas                 #
compressed: 500

# Choice of Minimizer                             #
# Options:                                        #
#   - genetic                                     #
#   - cma                                         #
minimizer: genetic

# Statistical Estimators                          #
# Extra-options for Moment:                       #
#   - moment5th                                   #
#   - moment6th                                   #
    - correlation
    - kolmogorov_smirnov
    - mean
    - stdev
    - skewness
    - kurtosis

# Enhance statistics of Prior                     #
gans  :
  enhance : False
  runcard : ganpdfs
  total_replicas: 3000

Running GANs within pyCompressor

Although it is advised to run the ganpdfs code independently, it is possible to call it within the pyCompressor code by setting enhance to True in the runcard. In this scenario, the code will first enhance the statistic the prior using GANs. Once the generation of the extra-replicas is finished, the output grids are evolved using evolven3fit. Then, the pyCompressor.postgans module (in a similar fashion as postfit) creates a symbolic link of both the original and the generated PDF sets into the LHAPDF data directory. The new enhanced Monte Carlo set of PDF replicas is then used as input to the compressor. Once the compression is finished, a folder is created in the main directory with the folowing structure:

├── filter.yml
├── input-runcard.json
├── losses_info.json
├── nnfit
│    ├── <PDF_NAME>
│    ├── replica_<REPLICA_INDEX>
│    │   ├── <PDF_NAME>_enhanced.dat
│    │   └── <PDF_NAME>.exportgrid
│    └── ...
└── compress_<PRIOR_PDF_NAME>_enhanced_<NB_COMPRESSED_REPLICAS>_output.dat


  • losses_info.json stores the losses of the generator and the critic/discriminator for the GANs model.

  • filter.yml contains the information on the theory ID use to reproduce the prior replicas.

  • input-runcard.json is a copy of the input parameters that were fed to the GANs.

  • nnfit has more or less the same folder structure as the output from n3fit. It contains the a replica_$REPLICA_INDEX that contains a .exportgrid file used by evolven3fit for the evolution. That is where the evolved grid in the format .dat is also stored.

  • compress_<PDF_NAME>_enhanced_<NB_COMPRESSED_REPLICAS>_output.dat contains the index of the reduced replicas along with the final ERF value.

If enhance is instead set to False, the folder will just simply be:

└── compress_<PRIOR_PDF_NAME>_enhanced_<NB_COMPRESSED_REPLICAS>_output.dat

Adiabatic minimization

Since compressing from an enhanced set could be difficult due to the limitation of the minimization algorithm, it is possible to perfrom an adiabatic minimization by setting existing_enhanced to True in the runcard. In this case, the minimization is perfromed in two steps: (1) a standard compression of the prior, (2) a compression using the enhanced set but using as a starting point the space in which the best from the standard compression was generated.

PDF grid and Validation plot

To generate the reduced Monte Carlo set of PDF replicas, simply run:

get-grid -i <PRIOR_PDF_NAME>/compressed_<PDF_NAME>_<NB_COMPRESSED>_output.dat

Note that if the compression is done from an enhanced set, the output folder will be append by _enhanced.

Finally, to check that the reduced Monte Carlo set indeed faithfully reproduces the statistics of the prior, ERF plots for each of the estimator can be generated and compared to a random selection. To generate the ERF validation plots, enter in the erfs_output folder and run the following:

validate --random erf_randomized.dat --reduced erf_reduced.dat

Controlling the parallelization

The backend of pycompressor is the JIT compiler [numba]( and it is numba who controls the parallelization of the calculations within the code. The number of cores to be used can be controlled with the appropiate settings to the following environmental variables:


An interface to control the numba number of threads is also provided as the command line argument threads. Note that in no case can threads be greater than the environmental variable (if given) NUMBA_NUM_THREADS.

pycomp runcards/runcard.yml --threads 4